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Foshan Nanhai Kinleen Hardware Industry Co., Ltd.
Supplier bagian custom
Guangdong, China
Produk utama: Rol pintu geser/bilah dorong, perangkat keluar panik/strip segel bawah pintu/sistem pintu geser otomatis/rel pintu geser, Rak pengering listrik
Registered trademarks (1)Finished product inspectionOn-site material inspectionTesting instruments (5)




Foshan Nanhai Kinleen Hardware Industry Co., Ltd. is one professional sliding door roller and electric drying rack supply Supplier in Foshan, China. After 20 years of efforts and pioneering, we have developed into an enterprise specializing in manufacturing all kinds of light and heavy sliding door systems, folding door systems, intelligent electric sliding door systems and electric drying racks. 

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This supplier has been verified onsite by world-leading inspection company,
SGS Group
Terverifikasi di lokasi dengan dunia perusahaan inspeksi, SGS Group
1.Synchronous/Telescopic door system
2.Sliding door soft closing roller
3.Sliding door roller
4.Glass door Rollers